In collaboration with the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), our laboratory is responding to the ongoing New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) abuse epidemic. Biological samples obtained from drug overdose victims with suspected NPS etiology are sent to our laboratory through the DEA TOX referral program. Using our comprehensive drug assay we report quantitative levels of NPS and other drugs of abuse confirmed in each sample. Details and links to our workflow, method, and general surveillance data are summarized in this page.
Analytical Platform: Agilent LC 1260- QTOF/MS 6550
Analytical Methods: (1) Targeted and Suspect Screening of NPS, traditional illicit drugs (TID), prescription drugs, dietary supplement bioactive ingredients
(2) Quantitative analysis using isotope dilution method
Reference Standards: (1) Commercially available reference standards of more than 600 NPS, TID, prescription drugs and dietary supplement bioactive ingredients
(2) Cayman Fentanyl Analogs Screening Kits panels 1, 2, 3 (212 reference standards)
(3) Prophetic cannabinoid reference standards (more than 300) synthesized by the Banister Lab at the University of Sydney; prophetic cannabinoids are cannabinoids anticipated to come out of the recreational drug market proactively synthesized using current trends observed in surveillance studies
Sample and Volume Requirement: At least 0.5 mL of leftover (presentation sample preferred) serum or plasma and at least 1 mL whole blood. In very rare occasions, at least 1mL presentation urine sample when blood sample of any kind is not available (specifically state this limitation when contacting DEA)
Analysis Turnaround Time: Three weeks from sample receipt or earlier