Environmental Biomonitoring and Small Molecule Analysis Recharge System

The Gerona Lab runs a recharge system to expedite collaborative work on research projects that are funded where we did not participate in proposal writing. The rate of each assay is approved by the UCSF Recharge Review Office and is based on the actual cost to run the analysis on a batch of 25 samples. Hence, the analysis done through our recharge system is considered part of a collaborative work just like any other sponsored research. A minimum of 25 samples is required except for the LC-QTOF/MS Comprehensive Drug Screen and LC-QTOF/MS Quantitative Assays. No adjustment in pricing is allowed for samples larger than 25 in number. The following rates apply to the Environmental Biomonitoring and Small Molecule Analysis Recharge System:

*Internal Rate applies to all UC system researchers

**Includes 26% Facilities and Administration Rate

***Requires a separate fee for method development and validation